Yola cephe 210 M2 tarla,43 m yola cephe
 Portfolio No: 237474

Yola cephe 210 M2 tarla,43 m yola cephe

Bilecik / Gölpazarı / Dokuz


Müstakil tapu 210 m2

Resmi yola 43m cepheli

Köy merkezine çok yakın konumda

Dikili meyve ağaçları mevcut

Tiny house,bungalov,karavan için uygundur,

Gölpazarı-Dokuz köy

ada:118 parsel:29

Location Turkey , Bilecik , Gölpazarı , Dokuz
Deed Status Self-contained Title Deed
Portfolio Category Island
Price 145,000 ₺
Square Meter (Net) 210
Eligible for Bank Loan No
Available For Exchange No
Zoning Status Field
Title Deed Status Detached Plot
Hit Count

* You can give offer, request to see it, contact the consultant.

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Eren Karamehmetoğlu

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