A single parcel of 7,739 m2 surrounded by land in Yeni Foça Fevzi Çakmak...


Portfolio No 225669
Location Turkey , İzmir , Foça , Fevzi Çakmak
Deed Status Self-contained Title Deed
Portfolio Category Field
Price 7,950,000 ₺
Square Meter (Net) 7739
Eligible for Bank Loan Yes
Available For Exchange No
Zoning Status Field
Title Deed Status Detached Plot
Floor Area Ratio


In Foça, where all the beauties of nature are rediscovered, in the Fevzi Çakmak neighborhood between Yeni Bağarası and Yeni Foça; 7,739 m2 fenced field for sale..

Our field in Yeni Foça Fevzi Çakmak, where nature, clean air, green and blue are blended, developing every passing day,

is located in the newest attraction center of natural life, close to the road between Yeni Bağarası and Yeni Foça Fevzi Çakmak.

Our field, located on the Ekoköy project road, is 1,300 meters from the Yeni Foça Yeni Bağ (Gerenköy - İzmir) road, 85 meters from the Ekoköy road and faces the road that is actually used.

There are 300 6-10 years old wildly grafted young olive saplings (Edremit, Gemlik and a few Memecik types) and 25 olive trees that are over 60 years old. Again, there are two or three ungrafted wildly olive trees that are over 60 years old.

Black cypress trees have been planted along the wire fence border on the northern side of our field; they are 6 to 7 years old.

The irrigation infrastructure has been built, it is located in an area where there is currently settlement and rapid development.

Our entire field, which is 7,739 m2 on a single parcel (all its shares), is for sale; it is not a share sale.

The entire parcel area of ​​our field is surrounded by concrete pole wires; there is a gate suitable for tractor entrance and another gate suitable for pedestrian entrance on the upper facade.

Call now to buy this wonderful field that is an opportunity..

Levent Temiz

0 506 175 8230

Revise Life, because you; always deserve the best result..



  • Street


  • Bus Stop
  • Main Road
  • Public Transport


  • City
  • Greenery
  • Valley
  • Mountain
  • Nature


  • Clearway
  • Water Line
  • Electric Line